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Adrenal Cancer

Adrenal Cancer Treatment

Adrenal glands are endocrine organs situated above the kidneys and are responsible for hormone production and regulation of metabolism. Adrenal Cancer affects different population groups, such as children and adults in their 40s-50s. Cancer can affect either one or both glands. In the early stages, depending upon the type of excess hormone produced, symptoms occur. When cancer spreads to surrounding or distant organs symptoms related to those organs may show up. There is room for a curative treatment based on timely discovery in the early stage. If you suspect the symptoms or have been diagnosed with Adrenal Tumor, and need information about the Best Adrenal Cancer Treatment in Ahmedabad, India, VISIT US at Ananta Urology and Robotics Clinic.



AAdrenal cancer is an uncommon and aggressive form of malignancy. A person may develop some signs that necessitate a consultation with a Urologist.

Most common symptoms or signs of Adrenal Tumour include -

⦁ Hormone changes in women might cause excess facial hair, hair loss on the head, and irregular periods

⦁ Weight gain

⦁ Abdominal bloating

⦁ Loss of weight without trying

⦁ Hormone changes in men might cause enlarged breast tissue and shrinking testicles

⦁ Muscle weakness and back pain

⦁ Fever

⦁ Pink or purple stretch marks on the abdominal skin

⦁ Nausea and vomiting

⦁ Loss of appetite

If you start having any of these symptoms, seek immediate medical attention from an Adrenal Cancer Specialist for further evaluation. To best manage Adrenal Cancer and other possible health problems, early diagnosis is important.


The precise origin of Adrenal cancer is not known. It arises from the uncontrolled multiplication and extended survival of mutations in DNA inside cells of the Adrenal gland. This results in cancerous growth known as tumours, which can spread to other body parts, marking the danger signs.


Patients with the following Genetic Diseases are at increased risk of getting Adrenal Cancer.

Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome - A growth disorder causing larger-than-normal size in babies and children, slowing down by age 8.

Carney complex - This results in benign tumours and skin pigmentation changes that are sometimes removed surgically.

Li-Fraumeni syndrome - It also predisposes to several types of cancers, including soft tissue bone cancer, blood carcinomas, and adrenocortical carcinoma.

Lynch syndrome - Genetic disease associated with elevated risk of colorectal, endometrial, and other types of cancers.

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1) - Inherited disease resulting in pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreatic tumours as a consequence of gains-of-function mutations affecting the MEN1 gene.


The diagnosis of Adrenal Cancer consists of several medical assessments and tests, the purpose of which is to determine the presence and spread of tumours in adrenal glands. Early and accurate diagnosis is also very important in this type of cancer, as it is such a rare and aggressive form of the disease. The following diagnostic tests are usually recommended:

Blood and urine tests - Studies of your blood and urine in a laboratory can show abnormal hormone levels from the Adrenal tumours, including cortisol, aldosterone, catecholamines and androgens.

Imaging tests - Your doctor might order CT, MRI, or positron emission tomography (PET) scans to take a closer look at any masses on your Adrenal glands and check if the cancer has already metastasized elsewhere in your body, such as the lungs or liver.


The treatment of Adrenal mass or Tumor is largely based on the area where it originated whether adrenal or extra-adrenal, how much has been spread, and the type. Optimal management includes a multidisciplinary team led by an expert who specializes in urological cancer treatment along with a medical oncologist and endocrinologist.

The landscape of Adrenal cancer is multifaceted. It involves surgical interventions along with radiation as well as chemotherapy. These approaches to treating Adrenal Cancer are aimed at eradicating it. We provide the following options as Adrenal Cancer Treatment or Adrenal Cancer Surgery in Ahmedabad, chosen based on stage, symptoms, and overall patient health.

Adrenal cancer treatment showing adrenalectomy procedure and kidney anatomy

Adrenalectomy - It consists of the removal of a tumour (Partial Adrenalectomy) or whole Adrenal Gland (Adrenalectomy) depending upon the size and stage, and is the mainstay of treatment in the Early stage. At our clinic, we treat the cancer through open, laparoscopic, and Robotic Surgery In Adrenal Cancer in Ahmedabad. An Adrenal Cancer expert with extensive expertise in dealing with malignancies of the urological system, provides tailored care, ensuring optimal outcomes. Robotic Adrenalectomy is the most advanced form of treatment for Adrenal Tumors, proven to be associated with the Best Outcomes with the least complications. Dr. Rohan Patel has treated several patients through Robotic Surgery for Adrenal Cancer at the clinic. Seek an appointment for consultation.

Adjuvant therapy - In the case of Locally advanced Adrenal Tumor, Adjuvant therapy in the form of radiation or chemotherapy aims to destroy any cancer cells that may have remained in the body after removal, which are yet too small for effective detection. Reducing the number of these cells diminishes the likelihood of recurrence at a later stage.

Radiation therapy - Radiation therapy is where radiation, high-powered beams of energy like x-rays and protons that kill cancer cells, are used. Radiation therapy is occasionally given after Surgery for Adrenal cancer to eliminate any residual cells in the Locally Advanced Stage. It can also aid in the alleviation of pain and other symptoms for patients who have cancer, which has metastasized into different body parts, including bone.

Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy refers to a treatment using drugs or chemicals to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy is an option for Stage 4 Adrenal cancers that cannot be removed with surgical operation or those that reoccur after primary treatment to curtail the progress of the cancer cells. Adrenal cancer is a rare and highly aggressive form of tumor, that needs specialized treatment. For patients with Adrenal masses or tumours looking for the Best Hospital for Adrenal Cancer Treatment, our dedicated and experienced team of doctors along with the latest health infrastructure and qualified medical staff, is the answer for you.

Dr. Rohan Patel is a well-known and established specialist in the field of Conventional or Robotic Adrenal Cancer Treatment in Ahmedabad, India due to his experience, training, proficiency, and internal drive for premier quality care in Uro Oncology patients. With his deep understanding of Adrenal cancer's intricacies, he leads groundbreaking research while providing the best patient care. He is committed to providing the best possible Adrenal Cancer Surgery. Awareness, Early diagnosis and a patient-specific plan are the core values in Our fight against Adrenal Cancer as they give an individual the best chance of surviving this type of illness and a better quality of life. Contact Now if you seek consultation from the Ananta Urology and Robotics Clinic.

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Dr. Rohan Patel

Why Choose Dr. Rohan Patel For Adrenal Cancer Treatment in Ahmedabad?

At Ananta Urology and Robotics Clinic, we provide personalized care for each patient. You will receive the attention and expertise you deserve. We use advanced robotic surgery techniques that help you recover faster and achieve better results.

15+ Years of Expertise


Years of Expertise

10,000+ Satisfied Patients


Satisfied Patients

500+ Successful Robotic Surgeries


Successful Robotic Surgeries

Comprehensive Cancer Team

Comprehensive Cancer Team

Top-Rated Urooncologist

Top-Rated Urooncologist

Fellowship from Vattikuti Foundation (USA)

Fellowship from Vattikuti Foundation (USA)


It is tough to cure adrenal cancer if it's in an advanced stage. This is why early detection and prompt referral to a Adrenal Cancer Specialist can save you and help you get treated effectively. Starting treatment at the earliest can drastically change the outcome of the treatment. Robotic Surgery is the most advanced technique in modern-day Adrenal Cancer Treatment and has revolutionized management providing optimal outcomes and reduced complications and morbidity of open surgery.

You may notice some warning signs of adrenal cancer when you feel pain in the abdominal area or when your body suddenly starts to lose weight. You will also notice changes like heightened blood sugar levels and excessive hair growth.

Yes, it is known by some research that Adrenal Cancer is associated with genetic conditions that run in the families. These genetic conditions involve Li-Fraumeni syndrome and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. However, most cases of adrenal cancer are not hereditary.

In the modern era, Robotic Surgery has significantly decreased side effects associated with traditional open surgery like pain, bleeding, and organ injury. Common side effects of chemotherapy you may face are hormonal imbalances, nausea, fatigue, vomiting, hair loss, anaemia, bone marrow suppression. To get the most effective support, consult our Best Urooncologist for Adrenal Cancer Treatment.